Class Exercise 1

Problem 1

Give an example (not presented in the lecture) in a biological context of a variable which is:
  • Categorical, on nominal scale.
  • Quantitative, discrete, on ordinal scale.
  • Quantitative, continuous, on ratio scale.
  • Problem 2

    In a biological or ecological contest give an example of a measurement which expected to be:
  • accurate but imprecise.
  • precise but not accurate.
  • Problem 3

    Round the following numbers to three significant figures: $106.55$, $3.0495$, $17815.02$, $20.1500$. What are the implied limits before and after the rounding?

    Problem 4

    How precisely should you measure the wing lentgth of a species of mosquitoes in a study of geographic variation if the smallest specimen has a length of about $2.8mm$ and the largest a length of about $3.5mm$?

    Problem 5

    A ratio of $0.16/0.12$ is formed from the measurements of $0.16$ and $0.12$. Compute the relatice error of the two measurements and the relative error of the ratio.